Monday, April 14, 2008

My first days of summer

I hate to break this to all of you freezing in the north right now, but it was 85 degrees where I live this weekend. My friend Megan and I celebrated by going to a local lake and laying in the sun for three hours. It was so worth the sunburn I got on my back. Then we barbacued, because that's what you do in the summer.

I wore a sundress to church.

On Sunday night, I went for a run in shorts and a tank top at 6 p.m., and it was almost balmy. My running route smelled like lilacs and charcoal, and was full of people just milling around.

Lesson learned: I'm so ready for summer.

1 comment:

Sarah and Josh said...

Grrr! I'm so jealous! It was 70 degrees here yesterday...and then it snowed 3 inches over night. Wahhhh!!