Thursday, January 03, 2008


I'm back in California now, starting the New Year by jumping into work again. Speaking of the New Year, this morning on the news some source was discussing New Years resolutions and how they never work. Well, speak for yourself, because I've actually followed through with quite a few of them in recent years (I gave up the ones long ago about being nicer to my sister or ending world hunger). So I'm still going to make a few this year. My strategy is to make a bunch and figure I'll do at least a couple:

1. Play piano at least once a week;
2. Learn to cook a few new dishes;
3. Keep better track of my spending. (A previous resolution was to save more, which I've done, but I still don't think I know how much I spend).
4. Take my Christmas tree down before the end of January this year.
5. Buy a new plant and keep it growing.

So that's it. I'm more optimistic about some than others. I probably won't let you know how it goes.

Lessons learned: I'm going to have to keep resolution number 4 to keep resolution number 1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can try to help with the cooking and the new plant ideas... would love to pick out some new dishes with you, and cook up a storm.