Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Looking for the old me

I was reading some old posts today. It's strange, but I barely recognize the girl who wrote them. I was funnier then. Definitely wordier. Maybe I'm just tired.

I realized the other day that in the five years I've worked here, I've never stayed in town for a vacation. I'm always flying out somewhere on Friday night after work and flying back in at 10 p.m. on a Sunday night, getting home at 1 a.m., only to start work on Monday again at 8 a.m. So I've taken the week off for a vacation with the goal that I will just completely relax. No stress. No work.

Yesterday I got a massage. Today I had my hair done. Tomorrow I'm going to the lake.

Some might say this is stupid in the middle of the recession. Maybe. But if I can just regain some of the spirit I had in 2006, I will be a better reporter for it. Hopefully my boss will see that.

Lessons learned: I miss 2006.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Birthday BBQ

Last night I went to a birthday party for one of my co-workers, Margie, who just turned 40. I hope I look as good as she does after 40 years and three kids. She has been voted "hottest woman in the newsroom" before by a previous slate of co-workers, beating out women in their 20s. So we had a barbecue with a menu of spinach artichoke dip, avocado and tomato dip, shrimp, oysters, chicken, salad, garlic mashed potatoes, garlic bread and cheesecake. Margie did a lot of the cooking, which seems a little backwards to me, considering it was her special day.

She also seems to have a much better attitude than I do about my upcoming birthday. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Margie.

Lessons learned: When I figure out how she aged so well, I will come and fill this back in.