Sunday, March 08, 2009

Snow therapy

We have had a series of storms here, followed by two days of sunny bliss in the powder. My friend, Genevieve, who used to work with me here before moving to Santa Cruz, came to visit. We went snowboarding Saturday. The storms had cleared up a couple days before, so I figured the powder would be soft and all tracked up. But it stayed cold, making for some nice floaty turns in the trees. It was a beautiful day, which I needed after a long week. It was great to catch up with Gen, who I haven't seen in about two years.

Then a couple co-workers and I went snowshoeing today. We got a late start, so it was less than truly ambitious, but it was great to get into the woods, again on a really nice day.

Lessons learned: Snow makes great therapy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fresh air, sunshine, and good friends will cure almost anything, and sure make forced furlough days more fun