Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Delirium, but why not?

Now that I have a few days to dull the memory of how bad being sick was, I have to admit, there were a few positive things to come out of it.

1. For the three days I didn't go anywhere, so I didn't spend any money on gas.
2. Flu-like symptoms are a great weight loss plan;
3. I got two full days off of work.

In reality, I'm fooling myself. Really, I am about to turn over my entire economic stimulus check to my doctor, thus negating any economic benefit being sick had. I may have lost a few pounds while on my chicken-soup diet, but I will probably gain it back since one of the side effects of the medication I'm on now is weight gain. And the entire two days worth of work while I was gone was basically waiting for me on my desk when I got back. Still, I'd like to pretend it wasn't all bad.

Lesson learned: Nope, being sick still sucks.

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