Monday, October 13, 2008


So this is about a week late, but I made it home. Just testing to see if you all would notice my absence on this blog. Coming home always makes you appreciate the things you take for granted.

The top ten things I missed while gone (excluding the obvious such as friends and family, cuz you all know you are number 1):

10. Peanut butter and mac and cheese (not necessarily at the same time)
9. Having a microwave
8. My pianos (both of them)
7. Understanding everything people say. Well most things.
6. Knowing what I am doing at work. Well most of the time.
5. Driving
4. My shower
3. Ice water (ohne Gas)
2. Sunshine
1. My bed

Lesson learned: My apartment is like a grown up's playground when you haven't been there awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're just down the street again... or at least sort of.