The danger of instant messenger is that you can make impulsive agreements without really thinking them through. But that can also be the beauty of it.
I was online when I saw one of best friends from high school, Anna, was there as well from her home in Portland. I had a three day weekend coming up, and so did she. By the end of the conversation, I was looking up plane tickets.
So I flew up to Portland a couple of days later, just in time for a snow storm to roll in and blanket the city in a sheet of ice. That didn't stop us. Actually it egged us on. We visited outdoor markets, ate like we were starving, tasted local beers, went snowshoeing and browsed through book stores.

As usual Anna and I picked up right where we left off. I also got a chance to meet her fiance, who is all the right combination of good traits she deserves. I wish we could have weekends like that more often. If nothing else, it's a good chance to brush up our old inside jokes.
Lesson learned: I am missing my bathtub picture of RC, Kort, Anna and I following one of the cake fights we had during Anna's birthday parties in high school.
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