Thursday, February 15, 2007

Time out

Have you ever thought you knew someone, trusted them, only to find out they were not the person you thought? That happened to me twice this past week with two separate people, two completely different situations. Neither of them look the same to me anymore. I'm sort of just numb about the whole thing.

I might not write write for a few days — not like that's unusual. I just can't try to be funny or perky right now.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this has happened.. People do things sometimes that shock and amaze. Sometimes it takes a while to see a person's true colors. The important thing is to stay clear in your heart and honor your truth about the situation... And give a hug to the people in your life who you love and who you know you can trust.

Anonymous said...

One other thing I wanted to mention.
I admire you for being so clear about what's OK and what's not. So many of us, Me included, don't do this and accept unacceptable behavior, or blame ourselves, or make excuses for the person. You're strong enough to say: No thanks, and There's the door. I know it still hurts, but it hurts less when you move on instead of staying and trying to fix the unfixable.