Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Memory loss

I've always wondered if I would go insane some day, considering I have a lot of the elements of those who do. I'm a musician. A writer. I dabble in craziness occasionally.

It's official. I think my brain has given up, and it's finally happening. Today I was sending a Birthday Card to my little brother — who just turned 14. (Yeah, that's hard enough to take on its own). But as I was writing out the address on the envelope, I completely spaced the post office box number.

This is the same number I had for 15 years while I was growing up. And I have sent things there for years since. Never for one second in my life have I ever had problems remembering it.

But this morning, it was just gone. I kept saying combinations of numbers trying to fish it out of the cabinets of my mind. But in the end, I had to look it up on a people search online, mostly because I was too embarrassed to call my parents and ask them what my very own address for years was. They can laugh at me when they're reading this and I'm not there.

Lesson learned: I think I'm suffering from early onset Alzheimer's. Very early.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No. Just the classic overworked 'my brain is full" syndrome... not to worry, it comes back. Most of my life has been flowing in and out of that state (isn't that refreshing news?)