Thursday, September 20, 2007

Off the hook

For a year I had a land line, but no phone. (It was for my DSL mostly).

It took my cell phone breaking for a day for me to finally go out and get one. I even got a slightly fancy one — you know, a mobile one with buttons that light up and 40 different rings and wings that will fly it to you when it rings. But not that I actually have one, I'm wondering what the point is.

I have only had one person that I know call me. Two of the other calls have been wrong numbers and four have been automated telemarketers.

The latter cracks me up. There's little chance I might sign up for that credit card anyway, but that falls into the negative numbers when the pitch comes from a robot. At least they're easier to hang up on.

Lesson learned: My knew phone does come in handy when I lose my cell phone, which happens all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

instead of a land line, maybe you should get five cell phones all with the same number.. That way you can keep one in your car, one at home, one at work, etc... you'll never be without a phone again!