Sunday, September 23, 2007

Plans foiled

Yesterday, I was supposed to be on my bike, in a line of about six others, weaving on a single track trail from the top of a peak down to where I live.

It was a 50-mile trek that I and others spent about three weeks planning. We had drivers to take us up there. My friend Jenn had offered to be one, and then make us dinner when we got back. She had a babysitter for her new baby in the morning while she drove. Everyone knew where they were meeting and what they needed.

I was like a kid on Christmas Eve.

The only thing we didn't have nailed down was the weather. And of course, that was the one big thing that could thwart our plans. When I woke up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, my frined and coworker, Amy, called to to tell me she had heard it was pouring rain and lightening in the high country. Ironically, it hasn't rained in the past five months, and both Friday and Sunday were precipitation free.

So we bagged the whole thing, and Steve and I went to breakfast to mourn.

We did take a shorter ride today to try and make up for it. It was fun, and the ditch is more beautiful than ever, but I can't help but still be a little sad our plans didn't work out.

Lesson learned: The weather is such a buzz kill sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a shame to have the only weather of the year arrive on one of your biggest events of the year. I hope you get to do that ride before the snow flies. From the feel of it up here, it won't be long.