Sunday, March 09, 2008

A little spring

It's days like today that I wonder why anybody lives in the north. It is March 9, and I laid by the pool in my swimsuit. That's right, I did it of my own free will, I wasn't wrapped in a sleeping bag, and I may have even had my skin color slightly change on the way to a tan.

It was 69 degrees today, which is warm enough for me to sunbathe, considering that 69 degrees doesn't come until about July in Montana. In my list of stress relievers, sunbathing is second only to working out, which I did today too. So I am super relaxed right now.

Lesson learned: I am going to have a hard time ever leaving this climate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay rub it in. I'm sufficiently jealous. From the Mom in the North!