Sunday, April 06, 2008

Goodbye to the laundry mat

Something very amazing happened in my life today. It's a rite of passage of sorts — one of those things that just makes me feel more like an adult.

I got a new washing machine. This is amazing because it means no more hauling three-ton laundry baskets to the laundry mat, no more not being able to wear those jeans because it's not laundry time, no more trying to scrounge for quarters. For all of these reasons, laundry has been my least favorite chore. I would rather clean my bathroom, and I'm not a big fan of that either.

I actually bought a washing machine when I first moved in, which didn't work from the first wash. It's been sitting in my storage room ever since. I fully realize that I could have solved this problem a long time ago, but it was sort of low on the priority list. What bumped it up was that my friend is moving and was giving one away. I can't say no to free, especially right now.

Lesson learned: Patience pays off in the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to adulthood. May all your spin-cycles run smooth. Now you have an upright piano AND and washing machine to move. You need to start meeting some really strong friends.