Saturday, November 22, 2008

Vacation tri-athalon

I'm not good at the relaxing vacations.

My sister and I have been going since she stepped off the plane last Friday afternoon. I'm paying for it now.

We went to a party with some of my work friends Friday night, and met a couple of them for breakfast the next morning. Then we went hiking in the wilderness area nearby where I live. Sunday after church we did a 30-mile bike ride, the last hour of which was in the dark.

Monday we went for a run and took a little time by the pool before packing up to go camping Monday night and climbing Tuesday.

Amanda joked that she felt like she was in fat camp. Yeah, because she really has gotten chubby for a skeleton.

Still, it felt a little like our hardcore old days, just with more neck pain and sore muscles.

Lessons learned: She may have a different last name now, but she's still hardcore.

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