Right after lofty promises of frequent posts last time I wrote, I have gone the longest ever without updating this blog. I have some good excuses. In the past two months, I've been all over and lots has changed.
Here are a few highlights:
• My friend Megan and I went to Los Angeles to celebrate my birthday. We went to the beach, went out, went shopping — you know, all the things you are supposed to do in L.A. It was fun to celebrate turning 29 by getting out of town.
• At the last minute, I booked a trip to Montana for my high school friend Jessi's wedding on Flatehead Lake. It took some masterminding, and a mix of trains, planes and automobiles to get there, but I made it. It was worth every kink in my back from wrestling my luggage from one mode of transportation to another.
• I've also been back and forth between Sebastopol and Napa a couple times. More about why later.
• I helped my friend Lakes edit his book.
• My friends Sean, Vanessa and I took a road trip to the Seattle area for the Fourth of July.
• I got a speeding ticket and had to take traffic school. Don't get me started.
• I have been ghost writing a book for another friend. (There will be more about this later as well).
• I have been going to open mic night at a local bar and recorded a demo record of six songs I wrote.
• I got a new job and moved to the Napa Valley.
• Right now I am in the airport about to board a plane back to Montana another wedding. This time it is Anna, who is one of my closest friends, who is getting married.
So there are my excuses. Not bad, huh?
Lessons learned: I've good at excuses.