Sunday, September 17, 2006

Last summer hurah

It seems that summer is coming to an end. A group of my friends and I went up to a lake to kayak this afternoon. It was sunny and nice, but definitely not as warm as it was only about a week ago. Not quite warm enough to want to jump in the water. That didn't stop one guy in our group. He tipped over his boat within about one minute of climbing in, then again about five minutes after that.

Afterwards I was so cold I wrapped up in about four layers, including my friend's sleeping-bag-like coat. It may have saved my life. We barbecued and played a game of Mow. If you don't know what that is, I can't tell you. That's part of the game.

Now I'm defrosting back home, preparing for another week.

Lessons learned: It's not to early to bring out the parka.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, summer is fading. It was 25 degrees up around Truckee/Tahoe the past few mornings. The mule's ears (a wildflower with big floppy leaves) are all dried up and crispy, making a crunchy sound when the wind blows. And the trails are so dry and dusty that they're becoming tough to run on. You would hate the mountain biking right now. We need something to fall from the sky to turn things around.