Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Putting out fires

To my great disappointment, my neighbor's street cleaner has vanished. Again I am baffled. Where did it go? Did they find a buyer? If so, how much did they get for it?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, there is a couple down the street who collects random machinery.I wrote about it a few months ago.

Many unusual items have come and gone, but the street cleaner always remained. Until now. And I can't help but miss it.

But they haven't failed to disappoint in their replacement. They now have a white fire truck, complete with hoses and a sticker referring those whose house is burning down to call 911. The mystery surrounding this one is that it isn't always there. That means that someone is driving it around. Do they drive it to work? Does it dumbfound the firefighters in real fire trucks who pass by? (I can just imagine them sitting there with their earphones on going "Dude, which station is that from?")

I was talking to someone about it awhile back who suggested I just ask my neighbors the reasons behind this unusual hobby. Or business. I've been tempted, but part of me likes leaving it up to my imagination.

Lesson learned: If my apartment spontaneously combusts, I'm good.

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