Friday, June 08, 2007

Dancing queen

When I was little, my dad used to get my sister and I to go to ballet and tap dance class by bribing us with ice cream. Every Wednesday, he'd take us to Stump's Pumps for a sugar cone after practice. To be honest, I would have gone to dance anyway, it was my sister who needed a little persuasion.

Still, I am thankful that my dad pushed us to do stuff like that. And I still really love to dance. So yesterday night I went to a contemporary/jazz dance class a friend of mine has been promoting. I used to be a bit skeptical of contemporary dance. It just seemed like a lot of flailing around to me. I've come to have a newfound respect for it now that I see it more on TV. They do some really amazing and compelling things in this style.

Anyway, the class was really fun. It was nice to do something different and learn something new. And it's not a bad workout.

Lesson learned: I can still do a pas de bouree. Thanks dad.

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