Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Using my minor

So the description of my blog includes "musician." Yet in the year that I have had this blog, I don't think I've made one post about music. That's likely because I really haven't been playing the piano as much as I should. In fact, I'm still playing the songs I learned in college, when I was a music minor, aside from a couple songs I've written since then.

So last night I was feeling inspired and wrote a song. If I actually make myself do it, it's not as hard as it sounds. I just need to take the time. I stayed up a lot later than I meant to. The thing about composition, is even if I write it down, I'm always afraid to go to sleep the first night. No matter how many times you play it, you always forget at least parts of it.

But I got it all back this morning with the help of my notes.

Lesson learned: I need to do this more often.


Anonymous said...

The last song you wrote was so amazing, I can't wait to hear this one. I still think the subject of that last song would be touched by your thoughtfulness.
I guess he'll never know...

Anonymous said...

Since I know that you can post photos on your blog you might consider if/how you can post audio files. Then you can share all that creativity with those who like music.