Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Girls night

I have met my German counterpart here in Berlin. Tanya is the police reporter for the German newspaper I am working for. It's been interesting to compare and contrast.

Last night, she invited me over for dinner. It was really pleasant to sit and have girl talk while she whipped up a salmon cream sauce for our pasta. After dinner, we watched "Sex and the City" in German with English subtitles. She has the CD set and often does this to improve her English. It became a language lesson for us both. She would ask me about phrases that popped up on the screen, and I would consult her about ones Samantha or Carrie were saying in their dubbed German voices.

I left with the language floating in my head, and happy that I have a German friend.

Lesson learned: Girl talk is just the same in German as it is in English.

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