Tuesday, October 03, 2006

More extreme stuff

I meant to write a blog post about Sunday, which I spend with a group of friends going caving. I never got the chance to, but I will say, it was a perfect finish to an extreme weekend. It involved crawling through narrow holes in the ground, bouldering and bats. We all came out with mud smeared up the fronts and backs of us. In Jenn's case, the holes in the butt of her jeans just kept getting bigger the more rocks we shimmied over.

Well that was Sunday, and tonight I was off to another adventure. Steve and I decided that mountain biking in the light is just not extreme enough for us. Next time, we think we'll wait until it's dark to start. We were smart tonight and brought headlamps. We did a shorter ride than usual, but it was new territory, which can be a bit disorienting when all you have is a pen light strapped to your head.

Before it got dark, we got to catch a glimpse thick fog shrouding the hills around us as the sun turned orange. It was acutally refreshing to do a ride in the cool, damp forest surrounding a reservoir, after the many hot dusty rides we've done. But it's a sobering reminder that our biking days may be numbered.

Lesson learned: Bats in caves aren't just in the movies.

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