Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fun times at board meetings

Last night was another late one. I had to cover a three-hour school district board meeting. The disctrict passed a bond a year ago but has been involved in a conflict over how to proceed. They keep asking me to keep them out of the paper. I don't think they understand that that is up to them.

It's a tough story — it's hard to weed out the truth of what has happened in the past year to get them where they are today because both sides are saying something different and it's all very heated.

On a completely different note, I just proofed a story about how the New Orleans phone book is a microcosm of how the city has changed since Katrina. For example, there are pages more of contractors than before the hurricane, while beauty salons have declined. I thought it was an interesting way of looking at things.

Now I'm just procrastinating. I have two stories to write before 4:30 p.m. so that I can go on a mountain bike ride tonight.

Lessons Learned: If you're in construction, New Orleans is the place to be right now.

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