Sunday, November 26, 2006

Bonding time

You know what I love about Sarah? She has the wisdom of a 50-year-old in a 27-year-old's body — which is very useful for me with all the drama I stir up. She is battling a disease that makes her very tired and chronically sick, yet she faces life with tireless bravery and strength. And she has this relationship with God that I admire and aspire to.

Sarah and I met about a year ago. I had been going to church for about six months and was convinced that there were no young people there. Then one day she came and sat by me. We started talking and eventually she invited me to a Bible study.

Things have been so crazy for us both this fall that we haven't had much time to really hang out. This weekend we made up for that, albeit accidentally. Saturday we were supposed to go help Jenn and Paul renovate their house. We were all dressed up in our grungiest clothes when we found out neither Jenn nor Paul were in town. Paul was returning from an unexpected trip out of state, and Jenn was going to pick him up at the airport.

So instead, Sarah and I went Christmas shopping, went to dinner (mainly for dessert) and then rented a movie. Today she picked me up for church, then we went to lunch with a couple friends. We did some errands together afterwards.

Anyway, I was fun to spend some time with her. Just her.

Lesson learned: I need to hang out with Sarah more often.

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