Sunday, November 19, 2006

So much for flu shots

Usually you get a flu shot to try and prevent the flu during the winter. Apparently, my body is a little confused about that notion. The newspaper I work for had visiting nurses come give us free shots on Friday. (Notice the timing — that way if you get sick, you have the weekend to recover.)

Well, that's exactly what happened to me — although they say it's impossible for the vaccines to cause the full-blown flu. Whatever I've got, I've been camped out with it on my couch the entire weekend with an assembly of cough drops, tissue, soup and tea on my coffee table. But this bug seems to want to foil my employer's plans: It's Sunday night and I feel worse than I did yesterday.

I woke up yesterday morning with the standard swollen glands, headache and achy muscles. I felt sick enough to cancel plans with Steve to go for a bike ride, but I didn't really take it seriously. I thought the feeling would pass if I just took it easy and watched Grey's Anatomy all day. So I did — no kidding, I watched seven episodes — but this morning I woke up feeling worse.

I had a meeting with the team I am going to Japan with this afternoon. Fortunately, I was in Sonora. It was difficult to get up, but I downed some cold medicine and went anyway. The medicine worked enough to fool me into thinking that I was getting better. Nope. Right now I'm in that between time where the DayQuil has worn off, but it's too early to take the night time stuff. I haven't felt this achy since I had malaria in Africa.

Lesson learned: I will never get a flu shot again.

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