Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sugar high

It's that time of year again. I'm not talking about fall. Nor the cold. And I don't mean Christmas either, though I do blame that holiday to some extent. I mean the time of year we all get a renewed sweet tooth and gorge on everything made with 50 grams of sugar or more. For some reason lately, little bowls of candy are popping up like wildflowers on everyone's desks. My mom has gotten that bug again — the one where she must feverishly bake until all the chocolate chips in her house are gone, then she graciously sends her products my way. (By the way mom, thanks for the banana bread, it's delicious). And today was cake day at our office. The first of the month our company buys one of those sheet cakes big enough to serve as a table cloth and with enough frosting to coat a small car. Right now, I actually feel like I have a sugar hang over.

Lesson learned: I need a salad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so welcome. It's a perfect breakfast treat.
love you boatloads.