Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I was getting out of the gym today after work when I noticed that I had a missed call from my boss. I thought that was strange, because they usually only have license to call after-hours if you have a story that is running in the following day's paper. I didn't. Somehow I had magically slipped through today and just worked on other stuff.

Well I found out why when I listened to by boss' message: Because I am stupid. I accidently slated my story for Thursday for tomorrow. Seeing that, Craig didn't need to ask me for a story. Since I thought I had one more day, I hadn't written it.

Right now, I'm sitting at home wrapping it up so there isn't a big white hole on the page tomorrow.

Lesson learned: Pay attention to the days on your weekly schedule.


Anonymous said...

It was out of pure love and sympathy. I returned from my week-long ski training clinic in West Yellowstone and read your posts about being sick on the couch and immediately, my head filled with muck and air stopped flowing through my sinuses. My head feels like a stuffed cabbage. I had yoga today and during Downward-facing Dog, I thought it might just fall off. Right there in front of everyone.
But it didn't. good thing, huh?
But I want you to know that I know how you feel...

lessons learned said...

Oohhh I'm sorry. But I'm glad your face didn't fall off. Get well soon.