Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hunting for blossoms

Cherry blossoms are to Japan as apple pie is to America. Except in the United States, there is no certain apple pie season. So we Americans don't get to experience the anticipation and suspense leading up to this cultural and natural phenomenon.

The cherry trees usually bloom sometime in April, depending on the region. As soon as the first buds open, the Japanese stock up on alcohol, warm clothes and camp out under a cherry tree for the evening, which has the deceivingly serene name of "cherry blossom viewings."

But our group wasn't destined to see the blossoms or the parties. Every place we went, they were just about to peak out of their buds. Then we would hear about how splendid the bloom was right after we left. Meanwhile, the news buzzed about the bloom already occurring in Tokyo. Since it only lasts about a week, it looked like I was going to miss it completely.

While many of the trees have shed their pedals already, I saw my first cheery tree in bloom today.

Here's another more impressive one my sister and I saw later.

Lesson learned: All the hype is warranted.

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