So, first blog of 2009, and in true cliche fashion, I thought I'd start the year out with my resolutions.
First, I thought I would look at back on last year's and see how I did. (That's the both the advantage and disadvantage of a blog. There is a record of everything.)
1. Play piano more. Hmm. I might have played the piano more than the year before, when I didn't play it at all, but I'm not sure I really did much, particularly lately. I did have a three-month spree when I wrote a bunch of songs, so maybe I get half points on this one.
2. Learn to cook a few more dishes. I may have actually gone backwards on this one. The height of my culinary prowess was opening cans of Campbell's soup. I think I ate more soup this year than an entire hockey team in Alaska. I did go through a phase where I made instant pudding, box corn muffins and baked pre-made cookie dough...Does that count?
3. Keep better track of my spending. Well, to be honest, I looked, and if I failed at any of these the most, it was this one. I had no friggin' clue, till yesterday, and it is a bit ridiculous how much I spent on eating out and my stupid hair. Seriously. It's out of control. What was I thinking. We're in a ressession.
4. Take my Christmas tree down before the end of January this year. I actually can't remember, but I think I may have made this one. Wow. That's a real victory.
5. Buy a new plant and keep it growing. Not even close. I didn't even buy one, much less keep it growing. I did plant flowers again this year though. They are dead, and still sitting on my balcony. It looks like something out of the Adam's family, especially compared to the greenhouse next store.
Given how well I did last year, I was tempted to make resolutions such as, "put gas in my car the next time it is empty" and "do something occasionally." The problem is, I'm too much of an overachiever, so I'll keep shooting for the stars and landing in my parking lot.
Here are this year's:
1. Work on my book, which has had six pages for six months.
2. Buy the equipment to record some songs ... and record some songs.
3. Clear out my apartment of all the junk I've accumulated. Really, what do I need a broken printer, 20 empty CD cases and a 2008 Grey's Anatomy calender for?
4. Lose the weight I gained in Berlin, even though everyone is very nice and says they don't notice. I do.
5. Read more.
6. Spend less. Really.
So there ya go. I'll keep you posted on how well it goes this time.
Lessons learned: Resolutions are easier written than done.